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2025/2026 City & County Government Directory in Digital Format (CC26DG)

    Available August 2025
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California City & County Government Information - in Excel! 

We spend months compiling information on over 7,000 key officials in the state's city and county governments. Our USB flash drive provides our information in 4 Excel files:

1) Cities  2) City Staff  3) Counties, and 4) County Staff

You'll be able to access, edit or manipulate California city & county government information to fit your specific needs.  Want to to phone, email or fax the city or county officials you need to reach.  No problem!  Want to sort cities by size or date incorporated?  It's easy.

This USB flash drive includes emails for cities and counties, and for individuals as available.  Where no individual email is available for someone, we provide the city or county's email for that person.