Your Comprehensive guide to State Legislators & their legislation

Now, find detailed, up-to-date information on the state legislature all in one place. This includes legislators, staff, complete committee and caucus information. GovBuddy Essentials, our much-improved basic service, harnesses the power of its artificial intelligence engine, Politics.AI, to connect specific bills to the legislators and staff most likely to influence their passage.

Explore the Latest Verified Updates:

Vetted updates accepted in the last 12 months across all of our Directories

4764 +12
State Legislators
5007 +12
State Committees
1167 +12
No. of Committees Staff
118 +12
U.S. Congress

New! Unique Bill Tracking Capabilities with our GovBuddy Pro Service. 

GovBuddy Pro builds upon the new GovBuddy Essential’s integration of bills and legislator information with unique bill tracking capabilities, including:

Unlimited Searches

Unlimited searches combine with unique search functionality to allow for high precision.

Alert Settings

Alert settings can be linked to individual bills and Bill Groups and can be set up around interest areas, different positions, or different clients you support.

Bill Groups

Bill Groups can be highly customized to include or exclude specific bills, and newly introduced bills can be automatically incorporated into your groupings to ensure you are alerted about any new legislation pertinent to your interests.  

Politics.AI Engine

Our proprietary AI engine predicts legislative voting, allowing you to target further legislators who may be influential or relevant to your bill.


Work together effectively with our note-taking and notebook features, enabling easy collaboration on bills and issues.


Alert settings can include status changes, with progression moving through committees, including committee edits / legislative changes. 

Streamlined State Access

We are the leading digital advocacy platform that now encompasses both.

California and New York.

Whether you need advocacy information for California or New York , GovBuddy empowers advocacy professionals to quickly select the proper state. Once a state is selected, contact information, directories, district maps, databases, and collaborative tools are available with just a few clicks.

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New York
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Focus on what matters most

State Directory

Gain access to complete, daily-updated listings of legislators, staff, committees, and more.

Interactive Maps

Utilize our interactive election-district maps with county and postal code overlays for better understanding.

Mobile Apps

Stay connected on the go with our powerful, user-friendly mobile apps, updated quickly and vetted to match our website.

Bill Information

Stay ahead with summary and detailed information on bills moving through the legislature.


Work together effectively with our note-taking and notebook features, enabling easy collaboration on bills and issues.

Bill Tracking

This premium feature lets you track bills and connect directly with each bill’s key players.

Our Features

Enhance Your Advocacy Efforts with GovBuddy Features

Comprehensive legislative directory

GovBuddy Directories

GovBuddy Directories is a powerful tool that provides access to comprehensive databases of government officials, lobbyists, and other key contacts at the state and local levels. Our directories include up-to-date contact information, committee assignments, voting records, and other essential information, making it easy to connect with the people and organizations that matter most to you.

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GovBuddy Bill Tracking

With customizable tracking, fast and vetted updates, historical data, alerts and notifications, and collaboration features, GovBuddy's Bill Tracking is the ultimate solution for anyone who needs to stay informed about government legislation.

  • Access to Decision-makers
  • Share your Expertise
  • Navigate the complex legislative process
  • Influence Policy Priorities
  • Build Lasting Relationships
No. of Bills
No. of updates

Meet’s Politics.AI , Transforming Legislative Decision-Making with Advanced AI Insights

Our AI program simplifies the process of understanding legislators' voting patterns, identifying aligned interests, determining relevant committees, and tracking related bills. With these features, users can make more informed decisions and navigate legislative affairs more effectively.

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1. Vote Prediction

Accurately predicts how legislators will vote on a bill by analyzing their past voting patterns, party affiliations, and other relevant factors.

2. Interest Alignment

Identify legislators whose interests align with a particular bill based on their voting records, speeches, and committee affiliations.

3. Relevant Committees

Determine the top four committees most relevant to a bill, helping stakeholders focus their efforts on engaging with influential committees.

4. Grouping Similar Bills

Group bills with similar themes or keywords together, enabling users to track legislative trends and identify legislators who frequently support certain groups of bills.

Our security features

Don’t worry we keep your data Safe & Secure

Ensuring the safety and security of user data is of paramount importance. At GovBuddy, we dedicate ourselves to protecting and protecting our users' information and have implemented robust security measures to create a safe environment for all users.

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Download GovBuddy Mobile Apps

Powerful, Easy-to-Use and Updated in real time to match our website


Find Out Who's Representing You

With GovBuddy you can do so much. We are 100% Updated.

Have your voice heard by the right people

Ensure your advocacy reaches the decision-makers who matter most. GovBuddy connects you directly with key legislators and their staff, so your opinions and concerns are communicated effectively and efficiently.

Use "Search" to find who is involved with issues you care about

Quickly identify legislators, committees, and staff involved in the issues you care about using GovBuddy's powerful search feature. Stay informed and engaged with those who influence the policies that matter to you.

Locate what district you and others are in using zip code or street address

Easily find your legislative district by entering a zip code. GovBuddy's intuitive tool helps you understand your representation and engage more effectively with local legislators.

Use our interactive maps to find district boundaries

Navigate legislative boundaries with ease using GovBuddy's interactive maps. Zoom in and out to see detailed district boundaries, helping you understand the geographic scope of your representation.

Includes both the State Legislature and the state’s Congressional delegation

Access comprehensive information on the State Legislature and the state's Congressional delegation. GovBuddy provides detailed profiles and contact information for state and federal representatives, ensuring you have all the information you need in one place.

Over Half a Century of Trust

GovBuddy, trusted for over 50 years , has been used by more than 15,000 organizations to simplify interactions with legislators.

And many more